

Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Jauh di mata dekat di hati

I don't know how could this happen to me. Guess what?? I like someone that i never met before. Yupsss actually he's one of my cyber friend. I'm so interested on the way he look the world. It's amazing remebering nowadays so little youg men has thinking framework like him. I like his though, I like his way treat me, & I like him a lot... And see? I made him as my boy friend. How dare did that! Honestly I was Surprised myself because I never had any relationship like this before. but I'm sure I was right. For me He is a special man, so rare, so sophisticated, so smart and has gud sense. I admit that many differences between Us. He looks serious, and I like jokes. He likes fact and I like fiction. May be only 1 similarity of Us. I like Nature, He like as well. I don't care if I have to spend my pulse for him, because He is too precious for being let go. But distance makes Us so far apart, but it's okay Brur... The most important thing is I can share a lot of valuable things with a such valuable person like him... I call him... Encanku...

Encanku...I hope we can meet someday later... amien

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

..duwh..eKaQuw.jadi terenyuh bacanya..andaikan, jikalau, bilamana, aLLah telah menuliskan di Lauhil Mahfudz sana, bahwa kita harus bertemu, kita pasti akan bertemu..tapi, jikalau tidak, itulah jalan takdir kita, supaya kita saling mengenal sesama mahluk ciptaan tuhan...

miZz U honey...